Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Students become entrepreneurs of the future

Students celebrated the third Global Entrepreneurship Week (15 – 21 November) last week by getting involved in a range of ‘Apprentice-style’ challenges.

More than 250 first year students from various subject areastook part in a series of workshops, encouraging them to create new, dynamic ideas for a number of activities

Activities will include researching innovative gap year ideas and destinations, planning a marketing recruitment campaign to attract new students to the college and building community relationships. The winners of each topic will receive a monetary reward and certificate to recognise their achievement.

Monday, 22 November 2010

Children in Need 2010

Staff and students at NULC dressed up in outrageous costumes and took part in a range of activities to raise money for Children in Need.

Fun activities included ‘Pudsey’s Fundraising Grotto’, whilst some students raised cash to have their legs waxed – Ouch!
The College has so far raised over £900 and all proceeds will go to Children in Need.